We are called to be a growing, inclusive, evangelistic and justice-seeking Church
God loves you unconditionally, no strings attached. That’s the good news.
Every person is made in God’s image and is of equal value
Everyone is welcome
The Methodist Church is committed to Justice, Dignity and Solidarity. We believe that all people are uniquely made in the image of God, and we aim to live this out in the Church and in our communities.
Sunday Services
We are hold Sunday morning worship services in all our churches except once a quarter when we hold a Circuit Together Service held in one of our churches. See the current plan covering March to May 2025 Spring Plan. There is also a monthly evening Healing Service plus an online service and other ad-hoc services marking special events. All details in the plan.
Spring 25 Focus Magazine
Our Spring 2025 edition of the Circuit magazine is available to read here Spring Focus .
We cover a fascinating and diverse area in the city of Brighton & Hove, and the Methodist churches reflect that diversity and variety. The Circuit has five churches: Dorset Gardens, Hove, Patcham, Stanford Avenue and Woodingdean. Together, as a Circuit we are a small part of the South East Methodist District.
We seek to serve our local communities through a variety of activities – parent and toddler groups, uniformed organisations, youth clubs, lunch clubs for the elderly, leasing our premises to various users, and providing numerous cups of tea and coffee to those who simply call in.
Go to the Churches page and click on each individual church for more detail and location maps.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more information. You can email us at:
Andy Lowe
Superintendent Minister
The Circuit
The circuit boundary matches that of Brighton & Hove City Council. Its area of 34 square miles contains 277,200 inhabitants with a population density of 8,153 per square mile. 85.4% of the permanent residents are white. 31% claim to be Christian, a figure significantly lower than the national average. There are five member churches and we are served by two presbyters. Ecumenical links are well established across the circuit.
Circuit Mission Statement
To spread the Good News and show the Love of God to the people of Brighton and Hove by word and action consistent with the Word. Ministry and leadership are delivered through team-working emphasising inclusiveness and encouragement.
Future Events
- Tuesday 18th March Circuit Meeting 7.30 pm at Patcham MC.
- On Sunday 23rd March 2025 there will be a Service of Healing & Communion: 6.30 pm at Dorset Gardens. Led by Revd Cynthia Park and Shirley Veater. A quiet, meditative service that will include communion and the opportunity for the laying on of hands.
- Saturday 29th March Spring & Craft Fair, 10.30am to 2pm at Stanford Avenue MC. Homemade gifts, cards, cakes, books, raffle and tombola. Free kids crafts.